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In Penza unknown persons pour paint over 17 Yandex.Taxi cars

12:16 | 30.05.2017 | Incidents


Penza, 30 May 2017. PenzaNews. Criminals poured paint over about two dozens cars of Yandex.Taxi in Penza.

In Penza unknown persons pour paint over 17 Yandex.Taxi cars

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As the press service of the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs told PenzaNews, the circumstances of the incident are being investigated.

"At 6.20 we received the information that unknown persons poured paint over 17 cars," the department said.

The police noted that the criminals used the paint that can be washed off.

"Investigation is conducted on this fact,” the press service said.

The MIA department did not specify the address where the incident occurred.

Presumably, the incident happened near an airport in the Arbekovo neighbourhood, where city residents previously noticed a large concentration of cars bearing the symbols of Yandex.Taxi.

According to information available to PenzaNews, the launch of the Yandex.Taxi service in Penza is not as smooth as in some other regions of Russia. In particular, there are difficulties in personnel recruitment. That is why the Yandex.Taxi service had to get drivers from other cities temporarily involved, which led to the fact that new cars prepared for the work remain out of action.

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