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D-Link to consider placing its production at Penza enterprises

11:37 | 06.07.2017 | IT


Penza, 6 July 2017. PenzaNews. Placing an order for production of certified telecommunications equipment at enterprises of the Penza region became one of the main topics for discussion at a working meeting between Ivan Belozertsev and the general director of the company "D-Link Russia" Vladimir Lipping, which was held in the regional government on Thursday, July 6.

D-Link to consider placing its production at Penza enterprises

Photo: Pnzreg.ru

"Industry of the Penza regions develops and we are interested in creation of new production sites for high-tech products as well as in opening joint ventures. A basis for this does exist. Since the Soviet times, the region has had factories that produce electrical technology and human resources. Penza State University prepares young professionals," the head of the region explained.

He suggested representatives of the company assessing production potential of the plants "Start" in Zarechny and "Elektropribor" in Penza.

In turn, Vladimir Lipping noted that the company is interested in manufacturing equipment, which additionally must be tested and adjusted. In order to do so, it is necessary to solve the issue of competent personnel preparation.

"During the next year we are ready to conduct an accelerated training cycle to prepare engineers-networkers," he said.

As it was reported by the press service of the regional government, according to results of the meeting, the parties reached an agreement that the company will provide primary training materials to organize lectures in Penza State University and to define the level of students' preparation and that young professionals will have a chance to do a training course at enterprises of D-Link in Ryazan.

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