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370 HIV-positives identified in Penza region since beginning of 2016

15:27 | 03.11.2016 | Medicine


Penza, 3 November 2016. PenzaNews. 370 new cases of HIV infection were registered in the Penza region in 9 months of 2016. It is reported by the press service of the regional Rospotrebnadzor department.

370 HIV-positives identified in Penza region since beginning of 2016

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According to the department, the incidence rate is 23.24 per 100 thousand people, which is 1.3% higher than during the corresponding period in 2015.

The increased incidence was observed in the 13 administrative areas, with the most significant in Maloserdobinsky, Serdobsky, Issinsky, Mokshansky, and Pachelmsky areas. Incidence in Penza increased by 7.9%, in Kuznetsk it decreased by 22.2%.

Incidence rates compared to the average rate in the region are higher in Kolyshleysky area – 24.7, in Maloserdobisnky area – 33, in Serdobsky area – 29.3, as well as in Zarechny – 39.6 and in Penza – 34.4.

Infections as a result of donation or medical manipulations were not registered.

However, two children under the age of 14 were identified infected, two more arrived to the Penza region with the established diagnosis from another region of Russia and abroad.

Among adolescents aged 15-17, there were revealed two cases of HIV-infection – there was sexual contamination and contamination trough injecting drugs.

26.5% of cases – people aged 20-29, 53.7% - 30-39 years of age, 16.2% - 40-49 years of age, and 5.7% - 50 years of age and older.

The total amount of deaths amounted to 83, including 40 deaths resulting from HIV-infection.

This year, 50 HIV-positive women had delivered pregnancies. 51 children were born alive.

The total number of HIV-infected people living in the Penza region, including those who died, departed or arrived with the established diagnosis, is about 2.7 thousand people.

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