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Tariffs for housing and communal services should raise once in three years — the head of Penza Ivan Belozertsev

08:21 | 18.11.2011 | Politics


Penza, 18 November 2011. PenzaNews. Tariffs for housing-and-municipal services should increase no more than once in three years. Such opinion was stated by the mayor of Penza Ivan Belozertsev during the forum “National program of the Penza region — federal support” on Thursday, November, 17th.

Ivan Belozertsev said: “During the forum the representatives of the public made many good and necessary offers and orders regarding work of the system of housing and communal services. The participants of the forum voted for continuation of the reforming unanimously. Realization of the Federal law №185 assumes assignment from the country budget on capital repairs of houses, resettlement of the residents of shabby and emergency habitation and other needs”.

The mayor said that joint work with civil society will be continued also to increase the living standard in the region.

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