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Penza association “Civil control” held first meeting with observers

11:47 | 20.01.2012 | Politics


Penza, 20 January 2012. PenzaNews. The first meeting of the citizens, decided to become the observers on presidential elections of the Russian Federation in March 2012 took place at the office of the association “Grazhdansky Souz” in Penza.

According to member of association, the chief executive of the fund “Grazhdansky Souz” Oleg Sharipkov, about 30 persons 22 – 55 years old were present.

“There were people of different social status, such as businessmen, managers of Penza enterprises and banks, people of creative trades, farmers and residents of the settlements located round the regional center,” he explained.

Oleg Sharipkov added that after intimacy and an exchange of experience of participation in supervision over voting process for the various elections, gathered have filled questionnaires, have discussed the plan of action on the near future and variants of realization of the purposes and association problems.

“Main goal of “Grazhdansky Souz” is to make forthcoming elections fair and transparent with the help of independent observers and members of election committees on each polling district of the Penza region. Having counted votes and compared data with figures of GAS “Elections” they will make a conclusion about honesty of the elections,” the chief executive of the fund “Grazhdansky Souz” said.

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