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Rally in support of Vladimir Putin draws over 3 thousand people in Penza

18:30 | 04.02.2012 | Politics


Penza, 4 February 2012. PenzaNews. More than 3 thousand people took part in the rally “For Stable Development and Decent Future!” organized by the people’s office of the Penza region in support of chairman of the Russian government Vladimir Putin. The rally took place at Burtasy Sports Palace on Saturday, February 4. The gathering also marked the 73rd anniversary of the Penza region so the organizers and art groups of the region officially congratulated those present on this holiday.

Rally in support of Vladimir Putin draws over 3 thousand people in Penza

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Addressing the rally, Boris Shigin, head of the regional people’s office in support of Vladimir Putin, chairman of the governing board of the regional office of the Writers’ Union of Russia and editor-in-chief of literary magazine “Sura”, said that pro-western forces seeking the disintegration of the state were exerting pressure on the citizens of the country on the verge of important political events.

“Today millions of dollars are spent to shake our boat and maybe even sink our ship. Today the U.S. ambassador who, by the way, is not a career diplomat has already arrived in Moscow. He is an expert in colour revolutions. But our enemies do not know us well. No-good politicians have already rushed to the American Embassy to consult with this ambassador, our “well-wisher”, but they have failed to consider that there are Russian people. They have failed to consider that Red Square is not Kiev’s Maidan or Gaddafi’s palace. We will not allow them to capture our holy places! This won’t work! Let’s say NO to colour revolutions!” Boris Shigin called on the audience. His words were met with cheers of approval.

Then the floor was taken by co-organizer of the rally Sergey Kazakov, art director of Penza Regional Drama Theatre named after A.V. Lunacharsky and honoured artist of Russia. His extravagant speech before the audience began with declarations of love for the supporters, Penza and Russia.

“I am here because I love you! I love this city! I am here because I love Russia! Do you hear me? I love Russia!” exclaimed Sergey Kazakov.

“We are about to choose not only a political system, but a civilization and a culture. Do you know what our civilization is? It is the best civilization in the world! Russia has always taken pride in its culture, its writers, its people and, of course, its freedom. Today we are told that freedom is what Egypt now has. Do you see what they have done there? Would you want to experience something like that? Would you want to chase each other with sticks? Would you want to throw stones at each other? Do velvet revolutionaries want this? Do you want this too? This is exactly why people who love Russia and wish Russia prosperity and well-being gathered here today,” he said.

Head of Penza regional office of youth movement “Stal” Igor Lebedev was more reserved in showing his emotions in his speech.

“We are used to thinking that all the good that happens in our lives is about what we do, and if something goes wrong we blame others. Therefore, personally I am not surprised at the bloggers who write all sorts of dirty things about the authorities and Russia on social networks. Those who walk around Moscow wearing white ribbons and who drive Ferrari and Bentley on Sadovoe Koltso in protest are taking a step backwards. But we are not ready to take a step or two backwards. We want to go only forward. We want to study, work, raise children, believe in good and love our Motherland,” he said.

Chairman of Penza regional office of the Gardeners’ Union of Russia Elena Khramtsova, rector of Penza Institute for the Development of Education, doctor of historical sciences, Professor Gennady Belorybkin, chairman of the council of veterans of Zheleznodorozhny district of Penza Vladimir Kerhanadzhev also spoke out at the rally.

At the end of the meeting all the participants unanimously adopted a resolution in which they declared people’s support for chairman of Russian government Vladimir Putin and his political and socio-economic policies aimed at the development of the country.

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