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Roman Chernov to meet with bloggers for the first time

11:09 | 19.07.2012 | Politics


Penza, 19 July 2012. PenzaNews. The head of Penza administration Roman Chernov will hold a meeting with bloggers for the first time on Friday, July 20, at 18:00.

Roman Chernov to meet with bloggers for the first time

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As the head of the press service of the Mayor’s office Elena Ovchinnikova told news agency “PenzaNews,” one of the main issues brought up for the discussion would be preparations for the celebration of Penza 350th anniversary.

“Moreover, the head of the administration is open to any topics which are of the residents’ concern,” said the agency interlocutor.

She explained that the decision to meet with active Internet users was taken during a meeting
of Roman Chernov with the governor Vasily Bochkarev, who had repeatedly initiated similar activities.

“At the last meeting held on Monday, July 16, we received a proposal from the bloggers to meet in this format with Roman Chernov,” said Elena Ovchinnikova and stressed that the head of the administration welcomes the idea.

Furthermore, the representative of the Mayor’s office clarified that currently Roman Chernov has neither blog nor Twitter account.

“He used to have a video blog on the official site of administration some time ago, but it is not very effective form of communication. The head of the administration has no microblog so far due to his occupation not because of the reluctance. And he did not want to relegate it to his press service,” Elena Ovchinnikova stated.

According to her, the number of participants of the upcoming meeting with bloggers has not been determined.

“The invitation was published online. We are open to all. We cannot limit the number of persons,” she concluded.

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