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Penza Komsomol members held rally in memory of neo-Nazism victims

14:28 | 19.01.2015 | Politics


Penza, 19 January 2015. PenzaNews. Penza regional LYCL [Komsomol] held a rally in Dzerzhinsky park in memory of journalist Anastasia Baburova and lawyer Stanislav Markelov killed by neo-Nazis in Moscow on January 19, 2009.

Penza Komsomol members held rally in memory of neo-Nazism victims

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According to the organizers, the event is dedicated to all the victims of neo-Nazism, including those killed in the trade unions building in Odessa.

The young activists held posters reading “Anastasia Baburova. Killed by neo-Nazis in Moscow on January 19, 2009. Stanislav Markelov. Killed by neo-Nazis in Moscow January 19, 2009,” “To remember means to fight: Vadim Papura, Komsomolets, killed by neo-Nazis in Odessa trade unions building on May 2, 2014; Andrei Brazhevsky, communist, member of ‘Borotba’ association, killed by neo-Nazis in Odessa trade unions building on May 2, 2014,” “Our Anti-Fascism,” “I am Stas Markelov,” “I am Nastya Baburova.”

As Sergei Padalkin, spokesman of the regional committee of the Communist Party, the rally in memory of the victims of neo-Nazis, along with the support of political prisoners is an important part of the work carried out by the leftist representatives.

Commenting on the fact that the members of the new youth organization “Modern Age Generation” will also hold a rally in the same square a few hours later, and it will also be in memory of journalist Anastasia Baburova and lawyer Stanislav Markelov, Sergei Padalkin said that Komsomol’s action was announced long before on January 8.

“We suggested joining forces [to have a rally], because the topic is just that. But they refused,” the agency interlocutor said.

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