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Kamnev finds Elatontsev’s insinuations against CPRF not worth commenting

16:10 | 03.11.2015 | Politics


Penza, 3 November 2015. PenzaNews. First secretary of the CPRF regional committee branch, deputy of the Penza region Legislative Assembly Georgy Kamnev finds it undignified to comment the insinuations against the Communist Party made by Alexander Elatontsev, acting head of the Department of Internal Policy and Mass Communications of the region, during the latter’s disagreement with the opinion that he had run his course as a professional.

Kamnev finds Elatontsev’s insinuations against CPRF not worth commenting

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“We already stated our position over the April 22 flower-laying to the Lenin monument. The court has twice supported our stance. There really is nothing to comment on,” Georgy Kamnev told PenzaNews agency on Tuesday, November 3.

He reminded that on November 6, in the eve of celebrations of the 98th anniversary of the October Revolution, three members of the Communist Party – Margarita Abramova, Sergei Padalkin and Dmitry Filyaev – will be again tried in administrative court.

“We will be satisfied if the court shows strength and adherence to principles by not changing its stance and keeping in line with the previous verdict, as, I would like to repeat, there is no grounds for violation,” Georgy Kamnev said.

He also expressed his opinion that Alexander Elatontsev’s letter to PenzaNews agency editorial office “looks hysterical, absolutely vague” and “is another attempt to hurt the Communists.”

“I strongly believe that it is not the criticism against Elatontsev, but his silly attempts to punish the Communists for laying flowers, that could decrease the Penza region’s standing in the next social and political stability rating,” Georgy Kamnev pointed out.

“As for the so-called ‘shadow deeds’ of our party members, all accusations from Elatontsev are completely unfounded. I fully disagree with him. For starters, I would recommend Alexander Arkadyevich [Elatontsev] to count how many people worked in the Penza region government and were later tried in court, just like in the Penza city administration hall and local municipalities,” the leader of the Penza Communist Party branch summed up.

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