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United Russia Penza city Duma faction head proposed support Kuvaytsev as future mayor

10:36 | 16.12.2015 | Politics


Penza, 16 December 2015. PenzaNews. Vladimir Mutovkin, head of the United Russia party faction in the Penza city Duma of the sixth convocation, proposed the deputies to support the city head Victor Kuvaytsev as the new city mayor during the 16th extraordinary City Duma session on Wednesday, December 16.

The faction made the decision during the meeting held in advance, he explained.

Victor Kuvaytsev is an experienced person who is well acquainted with the city administration services, and easily approaches people, which helps him keep up with the issues of the people and resolve current problems, Vladimir Mutovkin stressed.

“Victor Nikolaevich always listens and takes note on criticism and advice, and always searches for a creative way to develop them further,” the deputy pointed out.

He also added that Victor Kuvaytsev is a determined person that is able to take responsibility and find ways out of tough issues.

Zhigansha Tuktarov, head of the LDPR faction in the City Duma, supported the latter statement and said he also supports Victor Kuvaytsev.

This was followed by the formation of a vote committee, that included the Duma deputy chairman Ivan Krasnov, as well as deputies Andrei Suchkov and Victor Vorobyev.

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