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Ivan Belozertsev drops to 39th position in media rating of governors

15:38 | 06.04.2018 | Politics


Penza, 6 April 2018. PenzaNews. Governor of the Penza region Ivan Belozertsev dropped from 30th to 39th position in the media rating of regional administration heads in the Russian Federation prepared by the company Medialogia in March 2018.

Ivan Belozertsev drops to 39th position in media rating of governors

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In February he was mentioned in 3,673 mass media articles and stories, but in March their number was reduced to 3,516.

The governor's media index also dropped from 18,944.4 to 14,844.6 points.

In the rating of the administration heads in the Volga Federal District Ivan Belozertsev moved from 8th to 9th position.

As it was reported by the press service of the company Medialogia, in March mass media actively covered the governor's investment address, his meeting with children's rights commissioner Anna Kuznetsova as well as with representatives of two Penza universities.

In addition, the fact that Ivan Belozertsev was the first person to vote at the presidential elections at polling station No. 61 in Penza on March 18 was also in the limelight of mass media.

Other notable events covered by the media included the visit of the Russian Ping-Pong Tournament by the governor, president of the ping-pong federation of Russia Shamil Tarpishchev and chairman of the board of guardians of the ping-pong federation Igor Levitin.

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