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Plemprogress transfers 1.5 million rubles for mosque construction in Penza

13:06 | 26.11.2016 | Religion


Penza, 26 November 2016. PenzaNews. The Plemprogress company registered in Moscow and headed by Arifulla Kaneev, born in the Pachelmsky area, transferred 1.5 million rubles to the settlement account of the charity foundation for development of Tatar cultural heritage “Siyanie” for the cathedral mosque construction in Penza.

Plemprogress transfers 1.5 million rubles for mosque construction in Penza

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“We express sincere gratitude for such great contribution and will certainly contact Arifulla Zinnurovich Kaneev – the general director of the company, in order to thank him,” the board chairman of the charity foundation “Siyanie”, head of the Liberal Democratic Party fraction in the Penza City Duma Zhigansha Tuktarov said.

He added that it is an example of pure patronage, “when a person being many kilometres away from Penza, makes his contribution without requests and reminders”.

“It is not the amount of money that matters. We will be grateful to a million and to a ruble. What matters is self-determination and cordiality of such good deed,” Zhigansha Tuktarov emphasized.

According to the “Siyanie” foundation website, the first stage of works is finished by now. All important service lines were laid. The front is partly plastered and provided with heat insulation. Its facing is postponed to spring. Workers are testing several variants of facing materials in real conditions in order to choose one of the best quality.

Inside the building, workers are preparing for decoration work.

In the nearest future, the building will be connected to the heating system.

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