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News agency “PenzaNews” got three awards of the city authorities

18:52 | 22.11.2011 | Society


Penza, 22 November 2011. PenzaNews. News agency PenzaNews got three awards according to the results of annual competition on the best distribution information about activity of the Penza municipal duma and city administration of Penza in mass media.

News agency “PenzaNews” got three awards of the city authorities

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News agency PenzaNews got a diploma of Penza municipal duma “For objectivity and reliability”. The Editor-in-chief of the agency Pavel Polosin was awarded by the diploma of the head of administration of Penza in nomination “Always first! Always objective!” The assistant to the editor-in-chief Natalia Yeliseyeva got a medal “For high civil liability, professionalism and creative approach to presenting distribution information about the activity of Penza municipal duma”.

The head of the city Ivan Belozertsev congratulated the journalists and praised their active work.

Ivan Belozertsev said: “Mass-media is the fourth power which makes important impact on minds and hearts of people. Penza residents learn about city events from your reports and articles. You write about important social problems, and inform about changes of tariffs or legislations operatively and professionally”.

The head of the city thanked the representatives of mass-media for constructive criticism, having underlined that the authorities try to react to all remarks quickly.

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