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Orthodox Christians of the Penza region celebrate Christmas

09:53 | 07.01.2012 | Society


Penza, 7 January 2012. PenzaNews. The second of the importance of Twelve Great Feasts — Christmas — was celebrated by orthodox Christians on Saturday, January, 7th. The day before the bishop of Penza and Kuznetsk Veniamin served a liturgy of prelate Vasily Veliky in Assumption cathedral.

Celebratory divine services passed at night in all orthodox temples in different states, including Jesus Christ birthplace Bethlehem in the morning.

Christmas holiday, according to the Church doctrine, symbolizes reconciliation of the person good luck. Christmas announces an expiatory feat of the Christ and updating of the human nature amazed with fall of primogenitors.

Houses and churches for Christmas decorate fur-trees and coniferous branches which symbolize eternal life, and the tradition to dress up a Christmas fur-tree is connected with image of the paradise tree abounding with fruits.

Christians will glorify the world of the Savior during 12 days till Holy Theophany of Our Lord Jesus Christ. For the second day after Christmas, on January, 8th, the Church celebrates a holiday the Cathedral Presvjatoj of the Virgin.

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