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Governor offered to stop water supply in house of head of administration of Penza

09:25 | 11.01.2012 | Society


Penza, 11 January 2012. PenzaNews. The governor of the Penza region Vasily Bochkarev offered to stop water supply in the house of the head of administration of Penza Roman Chernov in connection with inadequate relation of the official to the decision of problems of local residents in the sphere of housing and communal services.

During the meeting in a mode of videoconference with the heads of municipal unions and city districts on Tuesday, January, 10th Vasily Bochkarev said: “How can people live without water? I consider that the heads can live in Penza without personal cars and use line taxis, buses, trolley buses or go on foot. Let's stop water supply tomorrow in a house of the head of administration of Penza and his assistants and we look how they will live. Let's change the relation to people”.

Thus the head of the region expressed his opinion that one of the primary goals of local authorities is to communicate with the people and discuss either positive moments or problems.

Appealing to Roman Chernov, Vasily Bochkarev said: “Tell the representatives of mass-media and bloggers in the Internet about reconstruction of the bridge in the winter. People will understand you. They have questions, but there are no answers. You and your press centers which you should motivate and do not work and you don’t help them in interaction with mass media”.

“Not the people should go to you, but you should go towards the people”, the governor concluded.

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