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Alexander Kasimkin thanked Vasily Bochkarev for support to regional Interior Ministry

11:28 | 20.01.2012 | Society


Penza, 20 January 2012. PenzaNews. The head of the Department of Interior Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Penza region the major general of police Alexander Kasimkin thanked the head of the region Vasily Bochkarev for support to police officers.

Alexander Kasimkin thanked Vasily Bochkarev for support to regional Interior Ministry

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“For three years at the expense of means of the local budget law-enforcement bodies bought 196 cars, more than 500 units of office equipment, communication facilities and navigation systems “GLONASS”, Alexander Kasimkin informed during board session concerning the results of work of the Department of Interior Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Penza region in 2011 which took taken place on Friday, January 20.

Besides, thanks to the government complex “Safe city” was developed and operates now.

“3 billion rubles were allocated from the regional budget for law-enforcement bodies for last three years,” Alexander Kasimkin specified.

He also added that since January 1st, 2012 law-enforcement bodies will be full financed from the federal budget.

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