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Ambulance station of general practitioner opened in Penza in street Novo-Kazanskaya

11:44 | 27.02.2012 | Society


Penza, 27 February 2012. PenzaNews. Solemn opening of an ambulance station of general practitioner at Penza city hospital No in Novo-Kazanskaya street on Monday, February 27. The governor of the Penza region Vasily Bochkarev, the Minister of Health and Social development of the region Vladimir Stryuchkov, the head of administration of Penza Roman Chernov and mayor Ivan Belozertsev took taken part in the ceremony.

Ambulance station of general practitioner opened in Penza in street Novo-Kazanskaya

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The head physician of city hospital No2 Alexander Eremin made and excursion in all rooms of the ambulance station which is 237 sq. meters.

“The main advantages of a new ambulance station are step-by-step availability to people living in GPZ-24 and Manchzhuriya districts and partial unloading of polyclinic №1 at city hospital No2,” the spokesman explained.

According to Alexander Eremin, 5 doctors and 7 staff nurses will work in two shifts to serve more than 9 thousand persons living in the area.

Vasily Bochkarev charged to Alexander Eremin and Roman Chernov to inform residents of microdistrict about opening of the office of general practitioner.

“We have already done a lot in public health services sphere, but people haven’t estimated it the medical personnel isn’t able to talk till now to the population. We should learn to listen to people and to inform them about new rendered services and opening of offices of general practitioners,” the head of the region underlined.

There are three general practitioner’s rooms, three paraclinical rooms: vaccinating, procedural and physiotherapeutic and also a room of biomaterial analysis in the new ambulance station.

The ambulance station is equipped with modern medical equipment, devices for local darsonvalization, hemodilution, ultra-violet irradiation, magnetotherapy, electrocardiograph, nebuliser and the portable glucometer.

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