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Penza fund “Grazhdansky Souz” celebrates 10th anniversary

15:20 | 27.02.2012 | Society


Penza, 27 February 2012. PenzaNews. Penza regional public welfare fund “Grazhdansky Souz” celebrates 10th anniversary from its creation on Monday, February 27.

“10 years for any organization is decent term. For these years not all commercial and noncommercial organizations managed to survive. “Grazhdansky Souz” has become the same symbol of the Penza region for last decade, as some glorified enterprises and museums. It confirms the report on institutional charity of 2010 in which “Grazhdansky Souz” is ranked as five most mentioned funds in the Russian mass-media,” informed the chief executive of fund “Grazhdansky Souz” Oleg Sharipkov.

He noticed that fund activity id difficult because legislation and realities don’t promote development of noncommercial sphere in the country.

“We see that many noncommercial organizations which have successfully operated earlier, have curtailed their activity. Association “Svetoch”, fund “AntiAIDS” and “Fund of Peace”. We managed not just survive but also get experience, hold competitions, give grants, to start new programs, which are known outside of the region, such as “Spring of Hope” and “Techniques for Benefits,” underlined the spokesman.

Speaking about plans for the next decade, Oleg Sharipkov noticed that it’s renaissance when people began to unite to solve problems.

“Power authorities have to consider the interests of these associations and unions. And our plans are to support such independent associations of citizens to solve different problems of residents of Penza,” summarized the spokesman.

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