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Members of regional people’s office in support of Vladimir Putin congratulated him on victory in elections

11:15 | 05.03.2012 | Society


Penza, 5 March 2012. PenzaNews. Members of regional people’s office in support of Vladimir Putin congratulated him on victory in Russian presidential elections. “In the Penza region 68.12 % of population voted and Vladimir Putin received 64.25 % of votes. That’s why I want to congratulate our voters and all Vladimir Putin’s supporters on behalf of people’s office,” said the editor-in-chief of magazine “Sura” Boris Shigin.

Members of regional people’s office in support of Vladimir Putin congratulated him on victory in elections

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The art director of Penza Regional Drama Theater named after A.V. Lunacharsky, honored artist of Russia Sergey Kazakov who is an authorized representative of presidential candidate Vladimir Putin declared the elections fair.

“We won an absolute poll. As yesterday spoke, it is a knockout. The most important thing that during elections Putin’s supporters didn’t pour dirt on anybody, accused nobody and didn’t offend anybody. We won fairly,” said Sergey Kazakov.

Elections showed that there is Russian civil society and if there is own civic stand starts to wake up and we have a right to express it, it is remarkable,” said the teacher of English language of Penza Gymnasium No 44, the authorized representative of presidential candidate Vladimir Putin Yana Kuprina.

“Elections were fair from all points of view and from the point of view of voters mainly who came yesterday to polling stations and we should remain unprovoked now,” she added.

According to Boris Shigin, now supporters of won candidate and people adhering to other political should prepare for serious work.

“All of us want prosperity of our country and we should work together,” declared the editor-in-chief of magazine “Sura”.

“Someone said democracy a disgusting thing, but the mankind hasn’t invented anything better. Democracy means that we should respect minority choice, but also the minority should obey to majority choice,” summarized Boris Shigin.

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