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Celebratory concert devoted to International Women's Day held in Penza

15:59 | 07.03.2012 | Society


Penza, 7 March 2012. PenzaNews. The celebratory concert devoted to the International Women's Day passed in Penza Regional Drama Theater named after A.V. Lunacharsky on Wednesday, March 7. Head of the region Vasily Bochkarev and speaker of the regional parliament Alexander Gulyakov congratulated all residents of the Penza region on this holiday.

Celebratory concert devoted to International Women's Day held in Penza

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"Dear beloved women! I congratulate you on a great spring holiday the International women's day. I wish you be happy, loved and have many children. Only you can rescue the Penza region and Russia as a whole and improve the demographic situation in our country," Vasily Bochkarev added.

The governor of the Penza region expressed special gratitude to the women who took part in the Great Patriotic War and helped fighters to protect the Native land from invaders.

"You saved the world from fascism. There are no such women who would be engaged in self-sacrifice for the sake of the future life in any country of the world anymore. Be healthy and happy, and thanks for bringing up our youth. It is necessary to follow you as an example to children, grandsons and great-grandsons," said the head of the region.

Alexander Gulyakov underlined that the International Women's Day is the first state holiday which is celebrated in spring.

As he said, this fact is symbolical and shows that a woman plays the main role in the life of each person.

"Women are always given the double-charge. They are not only a life source on the Earth, but also do huge work in bringing up children," said the speaker of the regional parliament told.

"Everything we, men, do in our life is for the sake of you and for you, our dear women. And if there is something wrong, forgive us, please. We actually will change tomorrow," he summed up.

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