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Vasily Bochkarev charged to check up new equipment in hospitals

13:08 | 19.03.2012 | Society


Penza, 19 March 2012. PenzaNews. The governor of the Penza region Vasily Bochkarev charged vice-governor Vyacheslav Satin and the vice-chairman of the regional government Alexander Grishaev to check medical institutions on effective work of installed equipment within the limits of the program of modernization of system of public health services. “It is necessary to visit all hospitals personally where the modern equipment is bought,” said Vasily Bochkarev during the working meeting devoted to summarizing modernization of branch, spent in 2011, on Monday, March 19.

Vasily Bochkarev charged to check up new equipment in hospitals

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According to the deputy minister of public health services and social development of the Penza region Ivan Malkin, the mounted equipment isn’t used because of necessary accessories absence.

“For example, in regional hospital of named after N.N. Burdenko there is no cable of non-standard length and there is no Rontgen proof door in Vadinky central hospital,” informed the deputy minister.

“It is inefficient use of budgetary funds,” declared the governor and asked when the process of modernization will be finish in four medical institutions where it was delayed.

“In Kuznetsk city hospital there is a problem with physiotherapeutic room, by April 1 it will have been solved. By the same time the contractor will finish painting and decorating in central Bashmakovsky hospital. In Gorodischensky Central Regional Hospital repair and equipment installation will come to the end within the next week. There are some difficulties in Serdobsky Central Regional Hospital where the judicial claim concerning the contractor was initiated,” informed Ivan Malkin.

“We spend huge money for repair of hospitals and installation of new equipment, increased salary, however patients continue to complain on quality of medical services. what is the reason for that?” the governor asked the director of Territorial Fund of Obligatory Medical Isurance of the Penza region Elena Aksenova.

As she said, the most part of complaints are connected with relations of the medical personnel’s attitude to patients and doctors and nurses’ level of culture.

“In that case it is necessary to deprive doctors’ extra charges. Let’s create books of complaints in each hospital and we will understand why he is a rude employee at his principal employment but behaves adequately in private clinics,” declared Vasily Bochkarev.

Besides, the head of the region again paid attention to quality of medical workers training and retraining.

“We should make the staff creative. Modernization it not only repair and new equipment. We should make all medical system work for people,” summarized Vasily Bochkarev.

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