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New cathedral mosque to be built in Kamenka

14:17 | 21.03.2012 | Society


Kamenka, 21 March 2012. PenzaNews. Kamenka Muslims of the Penza region addressed to city administration with the petition for allocation of the land for new mosque building.

According to the believers, the operating house of Allah at which the school of Islamic education is open, is located on the suburb of the city and doesn't contain all wishing to pray on Fridays and during big holidays the part of people makes a Mohammedan prayer on the street.

“We are supported in this question by the head of administration of Kamensky region of the Penza region Konstantin Groshev who is ready to promote implementation of the Muslim projects benefiting for civil society,” the imam-hatyb of a Kamenka mosque, the head of the press center of EDUM of the Penza region Rinat Akhtyamov reported.

In turn, Konstantin Groshev noted that Muslims should decide on a site and coordinate it with all city services.

“Let’s choose two-three possible ground and coordinate the final place with experts,” he said.

According to information and educational portal “Islam in Penza,” the question of election of the chairman of the board of trustees on construction of a cathedral mosque of Kamenka is in competence Muslim minds of the city and soon it will be solved at general meeting of parishioners where not less than three candidates must be present.

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