More than 2 thousand residents of the Penza region be called for military service
Penza, 29 March 2012. PenzaNews. The plan on conscription of the Russian Federation in the Penza region for spring 2012 makes 2078 people. The military commissioner of the region Anatoly Sinelnikov reported about it during meeting in the regional government on Thursday, March 29.
He noted that real military commissariats can call 1 600 thousand people and demanded to speed up work on search of the citizens evading from the consumption.
"By data for January 1, number of deviators in the region made 4 543 thousand people, and by March 15 it exceeded 4 600 thousand people," the military commissioner of the region told.
Anatoly Sinelnikov reminded that in the autumn of 2011 1 542 thousand people were called in Armed forces of the Penza region.
"The plan was executed. Violations of the law by military commissariats weren't made," he emphasized.
As the positive moment, the military commissar noted the direction of 418 recruits of the region in the military units located in the territory of the Penza region.
"In comparison with the last spring, number of recruits which remain to serve in our area, increased from 17% to 27%," Anatoly Sinelnikov told.
He specified that more than 100% from the consumption plan in the autumn of 2011 was executed in Belinsky, Gorodishchensky, Shemysheysky, Lopatinsky, Neverkinsky, Kolyshleysky, Maloserdobinsky, Nikolsky districts and the city of Zarechny.
"The number of recruits at the age of 18 years made 559 people, 19 years are 241 persons, 20 years and more senior are 742 persons. The quantity 18-year-old in comparison with the last spring increased. About 23% or 370 recruits have the higher education," the military commissioner of the region added.
According to him, the indicator of the validity of recruits to military service in the Penza region exceeded 70%, number of complaints from parents on activity of the invocatory commissions was reduced in a fall consumption by 40%.