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Pavel Astakhov communicated to young patients of Penza cardiological center

12:00 | 16.04.2012 | Society


Penza, 16 April 2012. PenzaNews. Ombudsman for children of the Russian Federation Pavel Astakhov visited children’s office of the federal center of cardiovascular surgery within inspection visit to Penza on Monday, April 16. Pavel Astakhov examined rooms, talked with young patients and their parents, communicated with specialists of cardiological center.

Pavel Astakhov communicated to young patients of Penza cardiological center

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According to the head of children's office of medical institution Timofey Nevvazhay, not onlu residents of Penza have treatment in the center of cardiovascular surgery, there are also patients from Nizhny Novgorod and Tambov.

Speaking about financing, Timofey Nevvazhay noted rather high level of a doctors’ salary. Among the main problems he pointed out an incompetence of experts who send patients to cardiological center.

After the excursion, Pavel Astakhov said to journalists that, besides the Penza region, he intends to visit Mordovia and Ulyanovsk region with inspection check.

In Penza ombudsman for children plans to meet representatives of youth associations, disabled children and orphan houses.

“In 2011 some children returned in orphanages from tutorial families grew. It is a dangerous tendency. When children are refused second time, they don’t usually have hope to find the family,” said Pavel Astakhov.

He noted that there were 42 refused children last year in the Penza region it’s is rather high indicator.

According to Pavel Astakhov, orphan houses shouldn’t be built but closed, therefore he intends to look, as in Penza the system of prevention of refusals of newborns and child abuse is organized.

Thus the ombudsman emphasized that authorities work actively in the Penza region in thissphere.

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