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Ombudsman Pavel Astakhov estimated Penza region experience in childhood protection

19:30 | 16.04.2012 | Society


Penza, 16 April 2012. PenzaNews. Authorized ombudsman for children of the Russian Federation Pavel Astakhov considered Penza region experience regarding childhood protection useful and worthy for other regions. “The Penza region the first began realization of a number of important social programs, such as payments for foster homes 220 thousand rubles and money support for orphan house graduates 50 thousand roubles,” said Pavel Astakhov during a briefing following the results of inspection visit to Penza on Monday, April 16.

Ombudsman Pavel Astakhov estimated Penza region experience in childhood protection

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Thus the ombudsman emphasized that there are something to be improves in the region.

“For example, some heads of subjects at adoption of the child provide to a family the much bigger sums, however stretch payment for achievement by the child of 18-year age and it is good prevention of secondary refusals. Speaking about problems of orphan children in the Penza region, it is possible to think over any monthly governor’s payments except first money support,” said Pavel Astakhov.

One of the positive moments he called also considerable decrease in the crime rate region among minors.

“However there are more and more girls now in socially dangerous situation, and these are future mothers, wives, keepers of a home therefore it is necessary to pay more attention to it,” ombudsman for children declared.

Besides, Pavel Astakhov called good prevention of suicides carried out in the Penza region, and also groups of volunteers work in orphanages.

The governor of the Penza region Vasily Bochkarev thanked the guest for visit and declared that the stated remarks and recommendations will help the regional authorities to see all benefits and drawbacks in this sphere.

“All defects which it was specified, will be eliminated, that in the Penza region didn't remain any thrown or unnoticed child. It’s ur task, and problem of civil society. The main thing that today we together change a situation to the best,” said Vasily Bochkarev.

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