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Pair of white storks settled in Bekovo again

10:30 | 28.04.2012 | Society


Penza, 28 April 2012. PenzaNews. Rare birds — two white storks — arranged a nest on the water tower No. 2 in Bekovo village of the Penza region.

For the first time these birds have been seen by local residents in April 2010. Then a pair of storks which also twisted a socket on the water tower got three chicks. However, after the death of the female stork the birds left the village, says the newspaper “Bekovsky Vestnik”.

The white stork is a bird with mainly white plumage and black wing tips. Adults have long neck, reddish legs and long pointed red beaks.

The growth of a white stork is 1–1.25 meters, its wingspan is 1.5–2 meters. Adults weigh 4 kg. Life expectancy — 20 years.

It lives throughout Europe and Asia. In recent years, its geographic range is expanding in east direction. It winters in India, tropical Africa.

The main food of a white stork are small vertebrates and invertebrates.

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