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Ways of counteraction to sects’ destructive influence discussed in Penza

14:36 | 17.05.2012 | Society


Penza, 17 May 2012. PenzaNews. Round table on “Destructive Religious Associations: Their Influence on Consciousness of Society” took place in department of information policy and mass media of the Penza region on Thursday, May 17. Representatives of religious denominations, psychologists and representatives of Ministry of Education and Health Care attended it. Anatoly Zagrebayev, a psychologist-psychiatrist was the first to share his experience about victims of scientologists and other destructive religious associations operating on the territory of the Penza region.

Ways of counteraction to sects’ destructive influence discussed in Penza

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“There were such cases when I treated parents whose children had joined such destructive associations. The matter is that, for example, scientologists give out their activity under the banner of success and spiritual growth, however actually, they enthrall people and put them under control. Parents complain that their daughter or son does not want to communicate with them, become reserved and consider all people their enemies not sharing their interests,” said Anatoly Zagrebayev.

According to Mikhail Arkhangorodsky, the manager of office of neuroses of the Penza regional psychiatric hospital named after K.R. Evgrafov, scientologists’ doctrine was founded in 1954 and now it includes 161 countries and million of followers.

“There is nothing religious in it. This doctrine is a jumble of scientific data and psychological techniques, it includes mysticism and even racist ideas all of its adherents consider themselves as super people and others, in their opinion, do not deserve to live. Main goals of these people are race for power and money and it is not religion, in my opinion, it is the real psychological terrorism,” Mikhail Arkhangorodsky said.

He reported that there were some attempts to stop activity of scientologists in the Penza region; however, all of them appeared unsuccessful.

“They have an office in Kalinin street for many years and it still works. Moreover, just yesterday at a bus stop I saw the announcement with the invitation to a dianetics film. And there were precedents in Moscow when the high-ranking officials became adherents of such sects and lobbied certain interests. Besides, sectarian heads are interested in large companies’ leaders,” informed the manager of Office of Neuroses of Penza Regional Psychiatric Hospital.

Mikhail Arkhangorodsky spoke of the need to consider the organization of scientologists as terrorist.

“The founder of dianetics and santologiya Ron Hubbard said: “If you want to create the business create the religion.” Thus in most cases, if a person intends to leave this sect, it starts to chase him and even threaten members of his family. Activity of these sects is aimed at financial and economic exploitation,” said the employee of public relations department of the Penza diocesan Alexander Tanygin.

According to the deputy imam of Kuznetsk Mosque Ildar Nigmatulin, it is necessary to make all these organizations impossible to register and exist as religious.

The concern of destructive influence of sects on people was shared by Rabbi Dan Savinov.

“Once I decided to disassemble books in a closet of our synagogue. And it turned out that there were literature of scientologists there. This means that these people sometimes visit us. I asked one of suspicious old women not to visit synagogue anymore, however sometimes there are several unknown women and men who sometimes come and sometimes not,” said the Rabbi.

In the end of the discussion the participants of the round table adopted the resolution in which they recommended Ministry of Education to hold PTA meetings at schools and tell about bad influence of destructive organizations on teenagers’ consciousness; Ministry of Health — to prevent representatives of such associations from penetration on the territory of medical institutions and also exclude application of nonconventional medicine techniques in state hospitals and policlinics.

Besides, according to the resolution text, it is necessary to prepare publications for printed, electronic and internet mass media of the Penza region about activity of scientologists and other destructive religions and draw public attention to this problem by means of church.

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