Penza teenagers can get part-time job at 30 enterprises during summer holidays
Penza, 22 May 2012. PenzaNews. Thirty enterprises of Penza signed contracts with employment center of two and more teenagers’ employment in summer. The deputy mayor Larisa Ryabikhina reported about this during weekly operative meeting in the administration on Tuesday, May 22.
Besides, she noted that more than 19 thousand schoolchildren would take part in labor practice in summer.
“All educational institutions of the city will have labor brigades for school yards beautification. Totally, 222 brigades will be organized in summer. Pupils will take care of green plants, clean school territory and take part in “Care” program which aims to provide all possible assistance to elderly people at home,” explained Larisa Ryabikhina.
According to the preliminary information, 1 830 senior students are going to find job with the help of their parents at Penza enterprises.
In addition, the deputy head of administration noted that school students could have a rest in country camps.
“Today there are 13 country recreation camps, 4 of them are municipal, such as “Stroitel,” “Orlenok,” “Octyabrsky” and “Yunost.” 8 091 thousand rubles will be spent for repair work, 5 052 thousand rubles will be allocated form municipal budget, 3 038 thousand rubles — from Penza region budget for summer 2012 preparation,” reported Larissa Ryabikhina.