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Three departments to remain in Penza State Teachers’ Training University after reorganization

10:13 | 11.07.2012 | Society


Penza, 11 July 2012. PenzaNews. Principal of Penza State University Vladimir Volchikhin by order approved a new scheme of organizational and management structure of the university which will operate after a complete reorganization of Penza State Teachers’ Training University named after V.G. Belinsky by its attaching to PSU.

Three departments to remain in Penza State Teachers’ Training University after reorganization

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According to the document, Teachers’ Training University named after V.G. Belinsky will have three departments: physico-mathematical and science education; social and psychological-pedagogical education; and history and philology department.

Moreover, the sports complex “Trud” and the Botanical Garden named after I.I. Sprygin belonging to the currently named Penza State Teachers’ Training University named after V.G. Belinsky will pass to the control of vice-principal on investment development of PSU.

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