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Penza Office of Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia detected improper advertising on site bazarpnz.ru

09:14 | 13.07.2012 | Society


Penza, 13 July 2012. PenzaNews. The Commission of Penza Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia declared advertising of financial services and intimate services provided on the site bazarpnz.ru improper after it examined the case against LLC United Information System, which owns the web portal, on Thursday, July 12.

“In April–May 2012 under the heading “Money” on the Internet site bazarpnz.ru there were published ads offering financial services (loans) without specifying the name of a person providing the services, though it fails to meet the requirements of Part 1 of Article 28 of the Federal Law “On Advertising.” Moreover, Penza Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia received the materials from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation about the ads offering paid sexual services published under the heading “Leisure” on the site bazarpnz.ru,” the head of antimonopoly department Maxim Beloborodov informed news agency “PenzaNews.”

He explained that according to the current law, prostitution is forbidden; and advertising of goods, production and (or) the implementation of which is prohibited by law, is not permitted in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 7 of the Federal Law “On Advertising.”

Advertisement distributor is responsible for violation of the requirements established by the above provisions of the Federal Law. In this case, it is the administrator of the domain name bazarpnz.ru – LLC United Information System, which was given an order to eliminate the violations,” said the official.

He added that the case file will be transferred to the official of the Antimonopoly Service to initiate proceedings on administrative violation.

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