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Mobile anti-poaching teams created in Penza region

12:47 | 14.08.2012 | Society


Penza, 14 August 2012. PenzaNews. Mobile anti-poaching teams were created in Kuznetsk forestry, the Penza region, in order to prevent illegal hunting and fire safety violations in the woods.

Mobile anti-poaching teams created in Penza region

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As the Ministry of Forestry, Hunting and Nature of the region told news agency PenzaNews,” such a decision was made in connection with the beginning of hunting season for game birds.

“Mobile teams have conducted raids to identify offenders in Kuznetsko-Komarovsky, Radischevsky, Neverkinsky, Dvorikovsky and Chibirleysky forest areas. As of August 13, no violations were registered,” said in the Ministry.

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