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Quality of drinking water deteriorating in Penza

12:07 | 24.10.2012 | Society


Penza, 24 October 2012. PenzaNews. According to the press service of the regional Service for Consumer Supervision of Russia, extremely slow pace of work on the development and reconstruction of water supply system with introduction of new treatment technologies, and unsatisfactory pace of worn network replacement lead to deterioration of quality of drinking water in Penza. This was announced on Wednesday, October 24.

Quality of drinking water deteriorating in Penza

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“For the first 9 months of 2012 the share of drinking water test that does not meet the standards of chemical indicators grew by 2,9% compared to the same period of the previous year, and exceeds the average regional rate by 7,6%,” informed the press service.

The management of the service gave examples of addresses with iron index exciding by 1,5–2% — Meditsinskaya St, 1A, Bakunin St, 115, Ternovskogo St, 40, Bogdanov St, 2A, Kalinin St, 12, 8 Marta St, 21A, Leonov St, 23A, Nasosnaya St, 3, Austrin St, 3, Lermontov St, 3, Karpinskogo St, 31, Kommunisticheskaya St, 43A, Voroshilov St, 9, Uritskogo St, 1, Belinskaya St, 28, Stroiteley Av, 49A.

“The share of samples failing the hygiene standards in microbiological indicators remained the same as last year in Penza — 3,7%, and does not exceed the average index in the region — 5,5%,” added the regional Service for Consumer Supervision of Russia.

The press service specifically focused on the fact that one of the consequences of poor water systems are acute intestinal infection.

“There is a slight increase in the number of cases of acute intestinal infections — by 2,94% compared to 2011. The sickness rate of hepatitis A, compared to the previous year increased by 93,8%, and the rate among children — by 4 times,” emphasized in the management, noting that these data show worsening epidemiological situation.

“The regional Service for Consumer Supervision of Russia sent laboratory water quality control data with comments and proposals to the administration of the city,” concluded in the service.

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