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Residents of Zasechny demand regular supply of electricity in their homes

12:07 | 13.11.2012 | Society


Penza, 13 November 2012. PenzaNews. Residents of several streets of Zasechny village, the Penza region, demand regular supply of electricity in their homes.

According to the resident of Shosseynaya St Zhanna Seregina, brief power cutoff has been occurring now and then for 1,5 years, and in the recent months the situation worsened.

“On October 31 the power has gone off at 3 p.m., and this lasted for almost a day, on Saturday, November 3 — for three hours in the evening, on November 7 — from five in the morning till noon. I wrote a letter to the director of “Penzaenergo” company, which provides service in the region. The letter was sent with a notification on receiving, which has not arrived yet,” the agency interlocutor explained.

She said the power cutoff also occur due to adverse weather conditions, when there is heavy rain or snow.

“In our house the boiler is connected to the gas and electric supply line. When the power goes off, the boiler stops working and, of course, we get cold. In the service of electric systems of the Penza region they laughed at the situation, saying “What were you thinking when buying such a boiler?” Despite the fact that the authorities of the region have been promoted the idea of individual house heating for several years,” Zhanna Seregina commented.

She noted that there has never been made any announcements of planned cutoff beforehand.

In response to an editorial request from news agency PenzaNews the deputy director on technical issues – chief engineer of the branch of JSC “Interregional distribution power company Volga” – “Penzaenergo” Mikhail Kozhevnikov confirmed that over the past few months the area of Zasechny village located under their supervision has had occasional power cutoffs.

“The reasons are scheduled cutoffs related to maintenance work on the line, the installation of electricity meters, as well as clearing of overhead power lines from trees and shrubs. The village administration is always informed about the coming cutoffs,” he said.

Mikhail Kozhevnikov specified that there are also cases caused by the natural phenomena — gusty strong wind and heavy rain.

“According to the regulations, in any power cutoff the restoration work for the consumers of category III, which the residents of village Zasechny fall into, should not exceed 24 hours,” concluded the deputy director on technical issues. The head of administration of the Penza region Galiya Murakaeva suggested that frequent cutoffs is a problem of only one particular area.

“Zasechny is developing rapidly, new houses are built. Power cutoff happens in specific areas. For example, in the historic center, where I live, by the way, it does not occur,” she noted.

Galiya Murakaeva also pointed that no calls or complaints have recently been registered from either the village council or the residents of Zarechny. However, she promised to contact the head of the village administration and the head of the service of electric systems, to clarify the situation.

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