Living wage for pensioners increased to 5,440 rubles in Penza region
Penza, 23 November 2012. PenzaNews. The law establishing the living wage for pensioners in the amount of 5,440 rubles to be applied for the calculation of social payments to pension in 2013 passed the Legislative Assembly of the fifth convocation of the Penza region during the regular session on Friday, November 23.
The Acting Head of the Department of Labor, Employment and Labor Migration in the region Vera Vaganova reported that in 2013 a new law “On basket of goods for the Russian Federation” would come into force, according to which the principle of calculating the living wage will be changed.
“The forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation states that the use of a new calculation method will result in an increase of living wage in Russia in 2013 by 4,2%, for able-bodies citizens — by 3,3%, for pensioners — by 8,2%, for children — by 4,1%,” she noted.
According to Vera Vaganova, the law will be funded by the federal budget — no additional expenses will be required.