Penza to receive 700 million rubles to complete construction in preparation for its 350th anniversary
Penza, 13 December 2012. PenzaNews. About 700 million rubles will be allocated from the federal budget for the completion of the objects included in the program of preparation for the celebration of the 350th anniversary of the city of Penza.
“The funds will be received in part due to the timely amendment of the city budget: the municipality allocated more than 24 million rubles and got federal co-financing,” said the head of the city Yuri Alpatov during an extraordinary session of the City Duma held on Thursday, December 13.
It is expected that the necessary funds will be received in the form of rental payments for the land located within the boundaries of urban districts, state ownership of which is not defined, and in the form of funds from the sale of the right to enter into lease agreements for these sites.