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“March against scoundrels” in Moscow supported by single pickets in Penza

08:47 | 14.01.2013 | Society


Penza, 14 January 2013. PenzaNews. Activists of opposition parties and movements supported Moscow “March against scoundrels” by single pickets held in Moskovskaya St in Penza on Sunday, January 13.

In particular, about a dozen people participated in the action against “Anti-Magnitsky Act” representing “Left Front,” “United Civil Front,” “RosAgit,” the movement “For Human Rights,” and “Yabloko” party.

According to the police, no violations of law and order were registered during the protest actions; none of the participants was detained.

As news agency PenzaNews reported earlier, on December 21 Russian State Duma adopted the so-called Dima Yakovlev Law prohibiting adoption of Russian children by the citizens of the United States and other countries, which will approve acts similar to Magnitsky Act.

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