Penza families with foster children to get free trips to Greece
Penza, 26 March 2014. PenzaNews. 37 families from Penza are to go to the island of Kos in April 2014 as a part of the charity campaign “Presenting Greece.”
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As the press service of the Ministry of Education of the Penza region told news agency “PenzaNews,” this group, consisting of 83 people including 45 children, has been formed on the proposals of the guardianship authorities.
“These are 10 adoptive families, 18 guardian families, and 9 foster families,” the ministry said.
The ministry explained that the families will be staying in a four- or a five-star hotel, “all inclusive,” with pre-paid excursions and animators for children.
“In addition, the organizer of the campaign — travel agency “Labirint” — took over the expenses associated with visas, insurance, air travel from Russia to Greece and back, as well as group transfers to the hotel,” the Ministry of Education of the Penza region explained.
According to official data, in 2013, 335 children without parental care were taken by foster families. 50 of these children were adopted, 170 were taken in guardianship or trusteeship, 115 transferred to foster families.
In total, 3,352 foster families have 4,076 children left without parental care.
Out of 239 disabled children left without parental care, only 80, or 34 %, are raised in foster families.