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Penza scientists to receive 1,6 million rubles for implementation of their projects

13:48 | 15.04.2014 | Society


Penza, 15 April 2014. PenzaNews. Over 1,6 million rubles will be allocated from the budget of the Penza region to the winners of the regional competition of fundamental research projects in 2013.

The distribution of funds was approved by the decree of the regional government and signed by governor Vasily Bochkarev.

According to the document, 150 thousand rubles will be allocated for the project of the representative of Penza State Agricultural Academy Galina Ilyina “Physiological and biochemical potential of isolates of xylotrophic basidiomycetes and prospects for its use in biotechnology.”

175 thousand rubles will be received by Vladimir Ilyin from Penza State University for his project “Study of current status and biodiversity of forest-steppe landscapes by the example of the Penza region.”

190 thousand rubles are provided for the project “Socializing and programming role of mass communications in the process of modernization and innovative development of the region and the formation of regional identity” under the supervision of Alexander Ostashkov from PSU.

Another three members of Penza State University will receive 200 thousand rubles. Among them are Sergei Titov with “Non-invasive methods of genetic monitoring of metapopulations and communities of mammals in forest-steppe in the Penza region: by the example of rodents and chiroptera,” Galina Makeeva with the project “Study of the electrodynamic properties of a new class of nanostructured materials based on nanotubes, nanowires, graphene in the microwave, terahertz and infrared wavelengths,” and Yuri Mazey with the study on “Biodiversity and organization of communities of soil microorganisms in forest-steppe of the Penza region: by the example of testate amoebae communities.”

250 thousand rubles of subsidy will be provided to Vladimir Krevchik from PSU for the project “Investigation of the features of 1D and 2D – dissipative tunneling in quantum dots of colloidal gold.”

300 thousand rubles will also be received by the representative of PSU Yuri Smirnov, who proposed the project “Research on electromagnetic properties of new nonlinear meta- and nanomaterials using the method of supercomputer modeling.”

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