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Vasily Bochkarev urged Penza citizens to boycott drug dealers

08:59 | 07.10.2014 | Society


Penza, 7 October 2014. PenzaNews. Penza region governor Vasily Bochkarev urged the citizens to boycott the drug dealers.

“The 21st century brought a new weapon of murder into Russia: a subtle enemy called ‘smoking mixes’ and ‘spices’ entered the society. Teenagers and young people buy them under the guise of relaxing herbs, and thus get themselves a one-way trip to death or deep and irreversible dementia. In aroma mixes, harmless herbs are combined with drugs that are 5 to 10 times more destructive and gruesome in their after-effects. The ease of obtaining the dope, low prices and reluctance to know the truth about the devastating consequences of smoking these mixes are the reasons why they are claiming tens and hundreds of teenage and young adult lives in the country,” said Vasily Bochkarev in his appeal to the Penza region citizens during the “Sura region without drugs” month.

He also expressed his suspicions that the teenage interest in the narcotics is partially formed by their ignorance of the danger they pose.

“The wish to be with their friends, conform and not go against the opinion of their peers overcomes the instinct for self-preservation. And nobody thinks about the consequences of mix smoking right after the first drag. This cold-blooded killer poisons the body and kills suddenly, gruesomely and with no mercy. I ask you heartily: ignore the heartless death merchants, don’t go to them and pull your friends and relatives away. Boycott the drug business for the sake of health, happiness and peace in your family, for the sake of well-being of your relatives,” urged the governor.

He also added that no pleasure is more important than preserving your life.

“Exchanging it for a package of lethal poison, lose the ability to live, feel, love, think… Isn’t that a price too high?” the press service of the regional government quotes the governor.

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