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Governor did not find proof that education minister’s son “yells at children”

15:03 | 24.11.2014 | Society


Penza, 24 November 2014. PenzaNews. The governor of the Penza region could find no proof that the P.E. teacher of the school No. 1 in Grabovo village Kirill Kopeshkin, son of the Penza region Minister of Education Svetlana Kopeshkina, is rude to his pupils. The high-ranking official informed the citizens about his findings in an official reply to an anonymous post in LiveJournal.

Last week, an anonymous user posted a comment titled “Sport is the base of health!” in the governor’s blog, asking Vasily Bochkarev to deal with Kirill Kopeshkin.

“The children refuse to attend classes because the teacher’s constantly yelling at kids, calls them names, humiliates them in public. He never explains anything well, never shows anything. Calls them idiots, which is against the morals. May lay down on a couch and yell orders. May force them to sit on the floor mats for the whole lesson of 45 minutes as punishment for misbehavior. And there are a lot of these examples, and we think a teacher must not behave this way. Parents already visited him with their complaints,” says the message, also noting that other teachers “do not talk with him” since they are “afraid of trouble.”

“If he is the son of the Minister of Education, then he’s twice more responsible, isn’t he?” asks the user.

In reply to the message, Vasily Bochkarev wrote about a parents’ gatherings among the classes 1-4 in school No. 1 on November 19.

“We talked and failed to find any ground for the complaints against K.V. Kopeshkin listed in yout message,” says the governor’s reply, also mentioning the fact that outraged parents, if they were any, should next time provide their names, addresses and phones in such appeals in order to be contacted by relevant investigation bodies. 

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