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Young patients delivered directly to Penza Cardiology Center by helicopter for first time

16:28 | 24.11.2014 | Society


Penza, 24 November 2014. PenzaNews. Two boys aged 4 and 6 months with congenital heart defects and related neurological pathologies were delivered by Saratov air ambulance service to the Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery (FCCS), located in Penza, on Monday, November 24.

Both patients’ initial diagnosis was confirmed, examination and preoperative preparation is carried out.

Surgical treatment is scheduled for Tuesday, November 25.

According to Alexei Chernogrivov, head of the department of cardiovascular surgery No. 4 FCCS, patients with similar diagnoses are not uncommon.

“But we are glad to be fully ready to receive kids from the neighboring regions at any time. In particular, we have the opportunity to utilize air transport services — helicopters. There are resuscitation teams and wards. High-skilled specialists carry out all the necessary preoperative procedures within several hours. Currently, the young patients are already in the hospital, and tomorrow we plan to operate,” he commented.

In his turn, Alexander Gornostaev, head of anesthesiology and intensive care department No. 2 FCCS, drew attention to the fact that this is the first case in the history of the center when heavy patients were delivered to the cardiology center so swiftly.

“We are pleased to have an opportunity to establish this process, because many babies require surgeries in the first days of life, and sometimes it is question of hours,” he said.

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