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Senior police lieutenant Ilya Guttorov recognized best Penza district police officer

17:10 | 24.11.2014 | Society


Penza, 24 November 2014. PenzaNews. Senior police lieutenant Ilia Guttorov was named the winner of the best district police officer of Penza contest, the results of which were announced in the city administration on Monday, November 24.

Senior police lieutenant Ilya Guttorov recognized best Penza district police officer

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Yuri Krivov, head of the city administration, presented him with a diploma and a commemorative gift.

Other finalists of the contest were awarded for achieving high results in professional activities as well.

Among the award recipients are police majors Ivan Osipkin and Alexander Fedyachshin, senior police lieutenants Dmitry Timogin and Mikhail Zolotov, and police lieutenant Ivan Shorin.

Summing up the results of the competition, Yuri Krivov mentioned its importance.

“The city has been holding this contest for a few years now, and supports the representatives of people in uniform, who work directly with the citizens. This work is very important. It is difficult to overestimate. Today, we need to create mechanisms promoting self-organization of people in the community. One of the main roles here belongs to a district police officer,” Yuri Krivov said.

During the event, official gratitude was announced to the members of voluntary national teams (VNT), operational youth squad (OYS), and public councils.

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