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Governor: Penza street cleaners must earn at least 20,000

10:19 | 26.01.2015 | Society


Penza, 26 January 2015. PenzaNews. The Penza region governor Vasily Bochkarev urged to raise salaries for street workers.

“If we want to have prim and proper yards in our city, we must pay at least 20,000 rubles to every street cleaner, and the people must provide the money,” Vasily Bochkare said during a discussion on Penza city urban improvement during the briefing session of the regional government on Monday, January 26.

According to the governor, owners of apartment buildings must both raise the salaries for street cleaners and help “the shovelers” with equipment.

“I worked as a street cleaner and I know how it feels to shovel snow, especially if it has been snowing for days. They must be able to earn Moscow wages if we don’t want them to escape to Moscow,” Vasily Bochkarev explained.

“If I live in a big house and want my yard to be pretty and ice-free, I should pay for it,” he concluded.

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