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Book “Penza citizens: Heroes of Russia” presented in Penza Local Lore Museum

18:24 | 19.02.2015 | Society


Penza, 19 February 2015. PenzaNews. The third edition of book “Penza residents: Heroes of Russia” that includes the biographies of 12 natives of the region and four people who lived and worked here was presented in the Museum of Local Lore on Thursday, February 19.

Book “Penza citizens: Heroes of Russia” presented in Penza Local Lore Museum

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According to the author of the book Gennady Tambovtsev, leading specialist of the museum, member of the Russian military and historical society, the biography collection will not be available for sale.

“100 copies were issued, and they have already been distributed: one to each area library, two copies to each city library, and three copies to the regional one,” he said.

During the presentation of the book, Gennady Tambovtsev briefly touched upon the life of each hero of Russia described inside.

He expressed his gratitude to the relatives and friends of distinguished compatriots, who shared photos, personal letters and other valuable memorabilia with the author.

In addition, he thanked the authorities for assistance in collecting information on how the heroes are remembered and commemorated in the region.

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