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35 children injured in July traffic accidents in Penza region

11:59 | 03.08.2015 | Society


Penza, 3 August 2015. PenzaNews. The Penza region experienced 29 traffic accidents involving underage persons in July 2015 that led to injuries for 35 children, says the message published on the official website of the regional traffic police department.

Adults must take responsibility for safety of their children, it says.

The police stresses the importance of teaching children how not to get lost on the street and the proper ways of keeping disciplined, cautious and careful when by the road from an early age.

“Teach children to follow traffic rules when they are very young. Remember it is best to lead by example: a child learns the ‘rules of the road’ by watching you, the parents, and other adults. Show an example how to be disciplined while by the road, not just for your children, but for every other young person,” says the message by the Penza region traffic police department.

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