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Over 20,000 Penza region children receive flu shots

16:06 | 18.09.2015 | Society


Penza, 18 September 2015. PenzaNews. A total of 22,675 children in the Penza region already received their flu vaccines, based on information available on Thursday, September 17.

“We plan to vaccinate 100,000 underage persons, following the national calendar of preventive vaccine application for the 2015-2016 epidemiological season. This covers children aged from 6 months to 18 years. Over 40,000 doses of Grippol Plus vaccine were shipped to the region for this campaign,” the press service of the Penza region Health Ministry informed PenzaNews agency.

The vaccines prevent 75% cases of hospital admission with flu, which is a sound argument for vaccination, they noted.

“Vaccination cuts the number of flu and respiratory illness cases by several times,” the press service stressed.

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