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Penza heating season scheduled to begin on October 8

12:53 | 06.10.2015 | Society


Penza, 6 October 2015. PenzaNews. The heating season in Penza is scheduled to begin on Thursday, October 8, due to an expected cold spell further into the week, the deputy head of city administration Yuri Ilyin announced during the city hall meeting session on Tuesday, October 6.

Penza heating season scheduled to begin on October 8

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The first objects on the roster for heat supply are kindergartens, schools, healthcare institutions and social objects, he explained.

The vice-mayor also asked the drivers to pay attention to the weather on the road.

“My appeal to all who drive: be careful, and switch over to winter tires. Keep particular attention on railroad crossings,” Yuri Ilyin said.

The city authorities will keep road-cleaning vehicles on watch, he added.

In his turn, the Penza mayor Yuri Krivov instructed his subordinates to monitor the preparations of public transport to the winter season, says the city administration press office.

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