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School of Young Journalists opens doors in Penza

10:08 | 06.10.2015 | Society


Penza, 6 October 2015. PenzaNews. The School of Young Journalists has opened doors on the basis of the Belinsky Pedagogical Institute at the Penza State University.

Those who wish to enroll in school courses – students of 9-11 classes of Penza and regional schools, gymnasiums and lyceums – will have to pass a two-stage contest on October 18.

During the first stage, the children will be tasked to write an editorial article on a pre-given topic that will be rated based on its deepness, independence, clarity, actuality, consistency, persuasiveness, language skill, size of written vocabulary and presence of clichés.

During the second stage, the children will be quizzed on various topics, mostly journalism related: genres of journalism, titles of Russian newspapers, magazines and radio stations, and define terms of the field; as well as general questions to determine the person’s circle of interests and their level of cultural and scientific education and freedom.

Those who pass the contest will be able to enroll in the courses for 60 academic hours on a contractual basis. This year, the school participation will cost 4,000 rubles.

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