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Victor Kuvaytsev calls for thoroughly analyzed road approach for new GPZ-24 kindergarten

15:01 | 28.10.2015 | Society


Penza, 28 October 2015. PenzaNews. The road approach for the new, under-construction kindergarten on Antonova street in Penza must be designed after the children’s institution opens, proposed the city head Victor Kuvaytsev during the October 28 meeting held at the construction site on Wednesday.

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The road coming from “Surskaya Rivyera” residential complex will go by the new kindergarten, which will make the traffic situation more difficult, he pointed out.

“We must develop the traffic system with respect to the safety of pedestrians with children and designated approach pathways. Other points to consider are parking, beautification of the land around it, and, in particular, pothole repairs while the weather allows it,” Victor Kuvaytsev stressed.

In his opinion, opening the new kindergarten for 400 children scheduled for the end of this year will help alleviate the high demand in kindergarten slots.

“GPZ-24 is a quickly developing residential area of Penza city, with the highest level of new real estate opening in the last few years. Therefore, we must not forget to build and develop socially important infrastructure in this zone,” the press service of the city Duma quotes Victor Kuvaytsev.

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