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“Kvartal Louie” art hall opens in Penza

14:34 | 02.11.2015 | Society


Penza, 2 November 2015. PenzaNews. The art hall of “Kvartal Louie” opened its doors in the former seminary building in Penza city, Vodopyanova laneway, 44. Its opening was arranged to coincide with the first anniversary of the opening for the namesake center for the disabled.

“Kvartal Louie” art hall opens in Penza

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The opening ceremony began with a moment of silence for victims of Kogalymavia’s Airbus-321 passenger jet crash in Egypt.

After cutting the ribbon, the guests were invited inside the hall.

Maria Lvova-Belova, chairman of the Penza civil organization “Blagovest” and director of “Kvartal Louie,” was the first to address them.

“We created a space where special people and other people can meet, get acquainted, learn to work together. This is very important for us,” she said.

According to her, the art hall space can be adapted to various purposes and adjusted for holding various events – from exhibitions and presentations, to trainings and wheelchair users theater performances.

She was followed by the Archbishop Serafim of Penza and the Nizhny Novgorod, whom she called an indispensable support in implementing the project.

“It would have been created either way, I have no doubt. Maybe in other place, but it would have been there anyway, I am convinced,” the latter replied.

The talent and the gifts demonstrated by residents of “Kvartal Louie” will leave no man indifferent, and that is why this building was offered to the project organizers, he added.

According to the archbishop, there were other possibilities to use the buildings belonging to the diocese.

“But what we did here surely pleases me when I see it,” he said.

After a short prayer for the beginning of a good deed, the authors of the art hall initiative received congratulations from Evgeny Troshin, acting deputy chairman of the Penza region government.

“We provide support to all socially oriented projects. We try to assist their implementation whenever we can,” he explained.

Addressing the residents of “Kvartal Louie,” Evgeny Troshin wished them to always find the art hall crowded with visitors.

In turn, Elena Rogova, rights ombudsman in the Penza region, pointed out there are only 10 cafes in Russia that are adapted for the disabled.

“I believe this café will help you implement your right to labor, for barrier-less accessible environment. The events held here will help you find like-minded people, friends, and prove that you have limitless talents,” she pointed out, giving Maria Lvova-Belova a letter of gratitude.

Alexander Yeremkin, deputy chairman of the Penza region Legislative Assembly, also promised to provide the project all-around support, and called the opening of the art hall a notable event for the region.

During the event, the guests got acquainted with the workings of the art hall space, saw the film about “Kvartal Louie” that opened doors exactly a year ago, and enjoyed a presentation of the poetry book by Elena Troshina.

Alexei Gazaryan, orphan life accommodation specialist and inspirer of the project, reminded the audience of the history behind “Kvartal Louie” and the namesake art hall.

He pointed out that the organization “Blagovest” that created it “is making a community where you do not feel alienated.”

The “Kvartal Louie” art hall is a multifunctional inclusive space designed for holding cultural and educational events to help promote the atmosphere of acceptance and societal inclusion of the disabled.

It will employ young people with disabilities, and remain open for all guests.

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